Chemistry department

Chemistry department

The Chemistry department belongs to the Faculty of Science.It delivers Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees in Chemistry.

  Educational programs

-Bachelor in Chemistry (programme in French)
-Master in Chemistry and Materials Sciences (programme in French)
-Master in teaching Physics and Chemistry (programme in French)
-PhD in Chemistry

Courses in English

At the moment, no course can be offered in English. However, some teachers will accept to provide material and answer questions in English as well as validate exams or work written in English language. You can inquire about that possibility by contacting directly the people mentioned below in the "contact" section.

Master thesis or laboratory placements

English can be the working language.
During the thesis/placement, you will work in a research laboratory under the supervision of a researcher. A placement can be combined with courses.
Apply for a laboratory placement targeting one or several topics addressed in our university.
Credits: 5 ECTS per working month. ECTS Credits are delivered only after report validation and the defense.

Doctoral studies

English can be the working language.
The PhD thesis and the defense can be in English (an abstract must be written in French)
Apply for a doctorate (or for a short stay) targeting one or several topics addressed in our university.

Prof. Pierre Maret (pierre.maret @
Faculty of Sciences, Head of International Relations

Christian CARROT, Melinda DESSE et Fabien DUTERTRE
Faculty of Sciences, Heads of the Chemistry Department


Research laboratory :

Laboratoire Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères IMP (UMR CNRS )



Responsables pédagogiques :
Licence de Chimie  : Frédéric BECQUART
Licence Sciences pour l'ingénieur : Baptiste MOINE
Master Chimie et Sciences des Matériaux : Jean Charles MAJESTE
Master Education et Formation Spécialité Physique Chimie : Eric  LAFON

Equipe enseignante :
Auder AINSER, Fréderic BECQUART,  Benoit BLOTTIERE, Stéphanie BROUILLET, Christian CARROT, Yvan CHALAMET, Melinda DESSE, Fabien DUTERTRE, Thomas JEANMAIRE, Corinne JEGAT, Eric LAFON, Jean-Charles MAJESTE LABOURDENNE, Nathalie MIGNARD, Fréderic PROCHAZKA, Mohamed TAHA, Amar ZERROUKHI,

Gestion des Travaux Pratiques

Service ASTRE-Secretary (metare-secretariat @