Sport & Health Department

STAPS Department

The STAPS (Sciences and Technics of Physical and Sportive Activities) department belongs to the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. It delivers Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees in Sport sciences and technics.


Educational programs

-Bachelor in Sciences Technology and health (3 specialities: Education and motricity, Training, Adapted physical activities and health)
-Master in Sciences Technology and health (2 specialities: Ergonomy of physical activities and product design; Training, sport, health and handicap)
-Master in physical education and teaching
-PhD in Sciences Technology and health.

Courses in English

At the moment, no course can be offered in English. However, some teachers will accept to provide material and answer questions in English as well as validate exams or work written in English language. You can inquire about that possibility by contacting directly the people mentioned below in the "contact" section.

Master thesis or laboratory placements

English can be the working language.
During the thesis/placement, you will work in a research laboratory under the supervision of a researcher. A placement can be combined with courses.
Apply for a laboratory placement targeting one or several topics addressed in our university.
Credits: 5 ECTS per working month. ECTS Credits are delivered only after report validation and the defense.

Doctoral studies

English can be the working language.
The PhD thesis and the defense can be in English (an abstract must be written in French)
Apply for a doctorate (or for a short stay) targeting one or several topics addressed in our university.

Prof. Pierre Maret (pierre.maret @, Faculty of Sciences, Head of International Relations
Ass. Prof. Julie THOMAS (julie.thomas @, Faculty of Sciences, International relations for the department.



Laboratories :

Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Biologie de la Motricité (LIBM)

Laboratoire sur les Vulnérabilités et l’Innovation dans le Sport (L-VIS)

Centre Max Weber



Head of Department : Jean-Benoît MORIN
Directeur des Études : Damien OLIVERAS

Secretary :