Geology-Petrology Department
The Geology Department is one of the 8 departments of the Sciences and Technology Faculty. It counts 8 research and teaching fellow and 1 technical assistant. Its main objective is to coordinate and organize fundamental and practical Earth sciences teaching of the Faculty.
Earth sciences courses are proposed in the following training programmes:
- Master of Education for Natural Sciences
- M2 Earth Sciences, Magmas & Volcanoes in academic agreement with University of Clermont-Auvergne
The teaching team of the department are also belonging to the CNRS research unit “Laboratoire Magmas & Volcans”
Head of department : Marie-Christine GERBE (gerbe @
Person in charge of the Bachelor of Earth sciences : Marie-Christine GERBE
Person in charge of the second year : Adélie DELACOUR
Person in charge of the third year : Marie-Christine GERBE